O’Reilly ECT Day #2- Incantations for Muggles: The Role of Ubiquitous Web 2.0 Technologies in Everyday Life

O”Reilly ECT – The Coming Age of Magic -Mike Kuniavsky, Co-founder and Principal, ThingM
March 28, 2007
Web 3.0
April 27, 2007
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O’Reilly ECT Day #2- Incantations for Muggles: The Role of Ubiquitous Web 2.0 Technologies in Everyday Life

The talk began with this basic premise: How do you balance needs of the users with emerging technologies? The goal of the talk was to use different lens on emerging tech and end-users. The backside of technology development is people. How to segment people which are not like “you” – don’t design for oneself or one size fits all. There are four life stages each with a different set of properties- stage one – friends, attention, play/leisure, sex, consumption; stage #2 – Sex, friends , money , play/leisure, labor; stage #3 – labor, family, money, power, property; stage #4 – family, health, religion, hobbies, friends. technology adoption and priorities reflect these four life stages. Corporations are currently driving technology. Corporations need to satisfy shareholders reflecting continuous growth. To monetize the interaction people the user must be passionate about the technology. Unhappy users don’t make products stick. Four aspects of modern technology: persistence (never goes away) searchability (ability to find what you want), replicability (what is truth?, the ability to copy), Invisible audiences – (don’t have a sense who is in the audience- you don’t know who your are talking). All rules of privacy is changing. When things really go mobile will create a new shift in practice – combining location and technology.