March 27, 2007

VC Forum – Web 2.0 and Wall Street

Tweet Panel with Tim O”Reilly and William H. Janeway, Vice Chairman, Warburg Pincus andPeter Bloom, Managing Director, General Atlantic LLC. What can Web 2.0 learn from the financial markets and visa versa? Attributes of Web 2.0 demonstrated on Wall Street. Speed matters. e-Trade strived for a 9 second trade. Average trade on NYSE is now 30 milliseconds. A thousand transaction […]
March 27, 2007

Jeff Jonas – IBM Chief Scientist

Tweet Using an story of a cheating Vegas dealer illegally working with a customer to illustrate how data silos don’t interact, Jeff introduced the concept of “Enterprise Amnesia”. In this story the dealer and customer share a common address – clearly a signal that something is wrong. “Enterprise Amnesia” is when marketing, HR an security departments don’t share a common […]
March 27, 2007

Live from the O”Reilly Emerging Technology Conference

Tweet I am blogging today from the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego. In 2006, my friend and colleague Philip Wolf coined the phrase Travel 2.0 to describe the new focus on user-generated content and improved user interfaces in online travel. To all deference to Philip, it was Tim O”Reilly who actually coined the original Web 2.0 phrase to […]
March 6, 2007

New Joint Study with PhoCusWright

Tweet In an effort to answer my prior blog entry regarding the commodification of self-booking technology, I am pleased to announce a new joint research study with PhoCusWright. As most of you know I have a long association with Philip’s organization as an analyst and subcontractor on multiple projects over the last 6 years. In 2003, we jointly published a […]
February 28, 2007

The World is Flat

Tweet In his 2005 book, The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman describes the unplanned cascade of technological and social shifts that effectively leveled the economic world, and “accidentally made Beijing, Bangalore and Bethesda next-door neighbors.” I experienced this phenomenon first hand recently evaluating suppliers for a consulting engagement. When it came down to the short list of suppliers that met […]
February 23, 2007

Are corporate self booking tools becoming a commodity?

Tweet I have been involved with corporate self-booking tools since their inception in the early 1990s. At that time companies such as TravelNet and TTG (now TRX) pioneered a new concept allowing business travelers to book online, but restraining their activity through policy enforcement. Now in 2007 where corporate booking tools have become a mainstream part of a good travel […]